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Shop Eat Cleaner
Meet the World's Most Powerful Botanically-Powered Disinfectant. Our highly awarded formula blows away the "natural" cleaners and kills germs faster than even some of the most toxic cleaners, but with no scary warnings or disclaimers. We cut grease and grime, and kill 99.9% of germs, viruses, bacteria, molds & fungi... even the virus that causes Covid-19. We work on virtually all surfaces, with no rinse required.
It’s a fantastic all around cleaner. I love it!
Boss is a perfect produce for my business.
I was skeptical at first but became a believer. Strawberries and blackberries definitely had a more defined flavor. The fact that the product clearly removes unwanted elements from the surface of produce is by itself enough to have my recommendation.
Excellent and fantastic cleaner only have one problem it that the screw on sprayer leaks when it’s tilted needed to put into a regular spray bottle
Love the product
works really well on my butcher block top that's on my island. saves me a lot worry about
disinfecting the surface.
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